Last time we talked about the basic guiding rules for Dead Things. This time lets talk about Hit Points and combat
Hit Points
Originally I gave the humans and zombies hit points, but keeping track of them bogged the game down. I figured that each turn a human attacking a zombie got lots of chances to take a zombie down, possibly hitting the creature multiple times. Based on this I just made it that 1 hit puts a zombie down.
zombie movie logic (if you can call it that) is that if you get a bite you die, however there are lots of examples of lucky breaks for the characters in the movies. Renaming hit points "Luck Points" needed to be more than cosmetic. Having a run of bad luck and going low on hit points can make the game boring since you spend all of your time keeping away from trouble. Having the Luck points come back at the end of a turn allows the character to be penalized but still have a chance to get back into the game, if they can stay out of trouble for a turn.
Weapons and combat
In my original concept of the game I had lots of different types of weapons and rate of fire and accuracy numbers. It was the same with zombies attacking the humans, they got bonuses for attacking from behind or a suprise attack. Once again the turns were bogging down. The other question was who rolls for the zombies? The game was slowing down because of the dice rolls.
What to do??
Dead Things (Zombie Horror Board Game) is out and available for download at:
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